Monday, March 9, 2009


These entries will follow no set schedule, order or in any way, shape or form have any intended sense of contrived cohesion. These will usually be rants about things that piss me off or concern me enough in some way that I need to write about it. That being said they may also be about any thing that tickles my fancy. These items could include fantasy or erotic fiction, jokes, tales about life in NY or what happened to me that reviews and just about anything. These topics will probably offend a whole lot of people since they will fly in the face of many American conventions. If controversy is an issue for you then leave me alone and go away.
Just as an example…I HATE RELIGION…just frickin hate it. That attitude is bound to come through here so if ya got an issue with that..go the hell away.

PS: Yea my spelling sucks so don't bother pointing that out..I know already. Spellcheck is my bitch.

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